A Diamond (including Lab-Grown Diamond) Laboratory Grading Report ("Report") is an independent 3rd party opinion regarding the quality of a diamond. While such Reports are based upon quantifiable standards, a certain level of subjectivity is always inherent in the diamond grading process. Moreover, the standards that the various diamond laboratories use are not uniform. Accordingly, D&D Jewelry's (jewelplus.com's) transmittal or use of any such Report should not and does not imply D&D Jewelry's agreement with or endorsement thereof. Further, D&D Jewelry makes no representation or express warranty and disclaims all implied warranties, with respect to the diamond laboratory grading reports accompanying or applicable to the diamonds that it sells, or the accuracy thereof. In no event shall D&D Jewelry or any of its employees or agents be liable to a customer or any other 3rd party for any loss, damage, or expense, or any consequential, incidental, indirect, exemplary, statutory, special, or punitive damages, resulting from an error in or omission from, or the issuance of, use of, or reliance upon, a report, regardless of whether or not the customer or such other 3rd party was advised of the possibility of such damages.